On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Christof Drescher wrote:
> So what? A server for which it is "expensive" to do this status update -
> don't advertise it in your CAPABILITY and you need not bother coding it.
> Right? Even if you advertise it and for a certain folder it is to expensive,
> give a NO response. You are fine with the specs.

The problem with that is from the client's point of view, it does not
reliably have the capability to do something that it does not want to do.

The key to producing interoperable protocols is to resist pressure to
create something that naturally favors one implementation over another.

If this is not done, then inevitably the result will be that Microsoft
will be the only vendor that supports the standards and everybody else is
locked out.  Why?  Because the minute that a standards group starts the
game of adding things that favor one implementation over another, all the
vendors will react defensively and pour the resources into this defense.
Microsoft, as the vendor with the most resources, is the inevitable
winner of such conflict.

The only way to prevent this outcome is for everybody (including
Microsoft!) to agree not to play the game, and to cooperate in achieving
something that can be widely implemented.  At times, this can mean
reducing a proposal to what is necessary as opposed to what one might
desire in an ideal world.

> Needed: Notification of new mail arrival in unselected mailboxes

Good definition.

Since you only need notification of new mail arrival in unselected
mailboxes, then the solution should be tightly focused on accomplishing
that goal.

STATUS is not necessary, and can involve excessive costs.  These costs
have nothing to do with new mail.  The costs are in STATUS data which, for
the limited purpose of new mail notification, are frills!

Not only that, but STATUS does not really tell you about new mail.  The
client has to infer it.  Is it in MESSAGES count?  Is it the RECENT count?
Is it the UNSEEN count?  Is it the UIDNEXT?  It's probably not the
UIDVALIDITY but it might be.  I can give pretty good arguments why any
(and none!) of these announce new mail.

For new mail notification, you only need to know what the MDA knows.
Most MDAs do not know all the IMAP-specific things that STATUS delivers.
The MDA knows the return-path, the delivery mailbox, and the actual
message contents.  There's a lot that can be done with these for new mail

So, my answer is to do something better.  I think that "something better"
is something smaller and can be done at any MDA so there will be little
excuse not to do it.  But that is not a universally held opinion.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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