OK, Arnt Gulbransen has pointed me at RFC3348, which covers the 
CHILDREN extension (thanks Arnt).

What I want to know now is "why is the Exchange server using this 

Consider this text from RFC3501 section 7.2.1 (CAPABILITY response, 
page 67 in my copy):

-------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------
   Other capability names indicate that the server supports an
   extension, revision, or amendment to the IMAP4rev1 protocol.
   Server responses MUST conform to this document until the client
   issues a command that uses the associated capability.
-------------------------- Cut here ----------------------------

Now, I have issued *no* command other than LIST in this session: am I 
wrong in thinking that the Exchange server is behaving improperly by 
sending LIST responses that contain HasChildren and HasNoChildren 
flags in them? Surely I should need to issue the command "CHILDREN" 
(or whatever) before this extension is enabled? RFC3348 does not 
appear to me to be a formal revision of RFC3501 (or of 2060, for that 
matter) - its status is "informational".

I don't want to sound anal about this, but it seems to me that a major 
aspect of IMAP has always been ensuring interoperability, and 
injudicious use of extensions in this manner is not conducive to that. In 
this case it's probably relatively harmless, but I can think of plenty of 
situations where it would not be.

Or am I simply misunderstanding this issue? Is it in fact legal for a 
server to issue any response it wants in this case?


-- David --

------------------ David Harris -+- Pegasus Mail ----------------------
  Box 5451, Dunedin, New Zealand | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Phone: +64 3 453-6880 | Fax: +64 3 453-6612

Thought for the day:
    Erotic (adj): using a feather as a sex aid.
    Kinky (adj):  using the whole duck.

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