A reference name of " " is not the same as a reference name of "". Also, to avoid possible ambiguity, it is better that non-empty reference names terminate with the hierarchy delimiter, e.g.
tag LIST "Specials\\" Read
rather than
tag LIST Specials Read

Consider the following command:
tag LIST "Specials\\Fred" Read
A server may assemble this as either "Specials\\Fred\\Read" or as "Specials\Read".

In general, yes, a reference name is not a mailbox itself, but rather a directory which contains mailboxes.

As an aside, I disapprove of the practices of mailboxes under INBOX and Trash mailboxes. IMAP does not prohibit either of these practices, but these practices are associated with substantial client and user confusion.

-- Mark --

Science does not emerge from voting, party politics, or public debate.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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