L Walsh a écrit :
> Bonjour!
> Tried that.  This is more of a case of purposeful obfuscation on the part
> of the sender (a spammer) that fakes all the return-path headers/normal from
> lines but connects, to the  MTA with a valid IP/return email IP.

What you get in the "From " line is the enveloppe-from (ie the argument to
the SMTP MAIL command) not an IP. And in the case of spam, it is most likely
fake too.

Usually, the Return-Path contains the exact same information, since it is
often  added or replaced by the last MTA or the MDA.

> If I were able to log onto my ISP's servers, the initial "From" line in the
> Berkeley mail format, I am told by my ISP admins, holds valid information,
> but IMAP doesn't return this "From" line as part of a message as it is,
> technically,
> considered envelope information.  It's a case of MTA =>storing message
> in Berk.mbox,
> then I download w/IMAP which ignores the header line thus losing the
> original
> envelope information.

The "From " line is not a header, it is used as a separator in the mail box
file. Your IMAP server is rightfully ignoring it since it is not part of the
mail. (it should only extract the received time from it)
> There doesn't seem to be a method to tell IMAP to
> download the whole message, Berkeley header included which would solve
> my problem.

Since it is not a rfc822 header, and IMAP only deals with rfc822 messages,
clients expect to receive rfc822 messages, so including the "From " line
would break the protocol.

If the Return-Path is really different that the "From " line on your case,
you might ask your ISP to stick the "From " line as an header in the
received mails. The unofficial X-From_ header is sometimes used for that.


Gaël Roualland -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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