
my code is:

from imdb import IMDb

def getPersons(personname):

    print "fetching movies for person '" + personname + "'"

    ia = IMDb()

    s_result = ia.search_person(personname)

    if (len(s_result) == 0):

        print "got no person for '" + personname + "'"

        return false

    res = s_result[0]

    print res.get('music')


    movies = s_result[0].get('movies')

    ret = {}

    for movie in movies:

        ret[str(movie.getID())] = str(movie)

    print "got " + str(len(movie)) + " movies"

    return ret

def intersect(a, b):

     return list(set(a) & set(b))

def comparePersons(personNames):

    moviePersons = {}

    for personName in personNames:

        moviePersons[personName] = getPersons(personName)

    i = 0

    for k in moviePersons.keys():

        i += 1

        for k2 in moviePersons.keys()[i:]:

            actors = intersect(moviePersons[k], moviePersons[k2])

            print "comparing '" + k + "' to '" + k2 + "' => got " +
str(len(actors)) + " hit(s)"

            for movie in movies:

                print moviePersons[k][movie]

comparePersons(['Tanya Wexler', 'Stephen Dyer'])

and I get back :

fetching movies for person 'Tanya Wexler'


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "film2.py", line 43, in <module>

    comparePersons(['Tanya Wexler', 'Stephen

  File "film2.py", line 33, in comparePersons

    moviePersons[personName] = getPersons(per

  File "film2.py", line 22, in getPersons

    for movie in movies:

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I don’t really know if I got the right commands. What I wanna do is to
compare people´s´filmography to know if they had worked together before.



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