Thanks for the reply Davide. I appreciate the info, the database
information will be helpful for my researchers. I am currently trying your
suggestion to use the unix version from the repository but I am having more

I tried using the moviedb-3.24 tool in the repository.. it doesn't work at
Took me a while to get it to compile using "make". A lot of warnings,
specifically with the "fgets" function.

Didn't see any "errors" after make so I did a make install to generate the
database. I know the program tries to download the database automatically
but the lfetch program does not work at all.

What I see:
Remote copy of *.gz missing, ignored  (for every file)
And then it fails to autouncompress them because it never downloaded the
files. So the repository that the program tries to use is missing... this
program is way too old and outdated.. how could it be less "buggy" than the
python version?

Does the version in the repository have a program to automatically input
the data into a mysql database? If not, then it doesn't solve my problem at


*Joseph De Nicolo*
*Systems & Data Administrator*
*Center for Complex Network Research <>*

*Northeastern University*

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Davide Alberani

> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Joseph De Nicolo <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I used the program (version 4.9)
> Please, use the version from the repository, since the 4.9 is
> way too buggy.
> > but my researchers are telling me some data is missing.
> Which ones?
> > Is there supposed to be a table to each corresponding .gz file in the
> ftp mirror?
> No.
> The database schema is not normalized, basically for performance
> reasons (at insert time).
> Main information about titles and names are stored into the 'title',
> 'name',
> 'char_name' and 'company_name' tables.
> Information about movies are stored in the 'movie_info' table, specifically
> in the 'info' field, which is always a text field; it's meaning is given
> by the
> 'info_type_id' column (foreign key over '').
> Information about persons are stored, in a similar way, in the
> 'person_info' table.
> Information about people who worked on a movie are stored in the
> 'cast_info' table: there, the 'person_role_id' refers to a role as per
> 'role_type' table.
> Hope this help; if you have more specific questions, just ask.
> --
> Davide Alberani <>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]
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