Len Conrad wrote:
>>This is a terribly stupid question, but I'm putting together another IMGate
>>box, and have downloaded the latest experimental version of Postfix, but my
>>brain's in a fog as to what I compile with it.
> make
> make install
>>  I know I have to do PCRE,
>>but is there anything special for anvil?
> no

Alright, I finally got around to finishing this install, but on the 
second IMGate box I'm getting the following error in the logs:

connect #3 to subsystem private/scache

I cheated (for the most part) copied my Postfix config from my working 
box to the new one, changed the names and turned it.  The version of 
Postfix on the production box is 2.2-20040628, while on the new box it 
is postfix-2.2-20050210.

My hunch is that this is anvil related, but I'm not sure.

Aaron Clausen

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