Citējot Michael M Slusarz <>
Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:45:52 -0600:

Quoting Jānis <>:

Citējot Michael M Slusarz <>
Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:17:56 -0600:

Quoting azurIt <>:

It's hapenning on my installation and unicode chars are being corrupted cos of this. When i'm answering to e-mail with UTF-8 charset, everything is fine, my e-mail has UTF-8 in headers. But when i'm answering to e-mail with, for example, ISO-8859-1, unicode chars are corrupted and charset ISO-8859-1 is set in headers (i can see this on message in Sent folder).

How can i set preferred outgoing charset ?

You can't in this situation. If a sender is sending you messages in ISO-8859-1, we can't assume they support UTF-8 so we can only return messages that use the ISO-8859-1 charset. If there are unicode characters in there, you are out of luck.

We have discussed removing outgoing charset composition selection completely and sending messages either in US-ASCII or UTF-8. But this would be a major change and won't happen before 5.1.

you can edit compose.php in a way that everything going out has UTF-8 encoding (more on that you can find in the lists archives for August/September or at

I know Michael will protest, but by such bad behaviuor I solved my own problems (and it seems that does not make any problem with my correspondents) as none protests about undecipherable e-mails anymore.

I am not protesting. We just can't do this in the mainline code in a non-point release because it is such a huge change.

The issue, which you completely gloss over, is that some recipients won't be able to read the outgoing messages since they don't support UTF-8 (they should be able to view the ASCII characters fine, but all non-ASCII characters will be garbled. This is no better than what happens in the current situation). So it is debatable whether this is any better than the current situation.

I do not argue, may be such exists somewhere - i just do not know anyone from my many hundreads of correspondents (mailing lists and personal) who cant read UTF-8. The only thing i know is my ancient Siemens S10 mobile phone which shows garbage insteead of message.

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