On Tue, 8 Nov 2011, francis picabia wrote:

I've told the user to manually delete again the messages marked for deletion.

Virtual Trash sounds like a good move when quotas are full.  I can't
figure out how to configure it.   I searched for docs on it at the
horde wiki and nothing.

Here is what we have by default:

$_prefs['vfolder'] = array(
   // By default, Virtual Inbox is enabled and Virtual Trash is disabled.
   // 'value' => serialize(array())
   'value' => 'a:0:{}'

How is Virtual Trash enabled?  Will Virtual trash be purged the same
way as "traditional trash" - according to the settings in prefs.php?
By the sounds of it, Virtual Trash would be purged on logout?

I'm using IMP4 (previous version), so this may have changed somewhat. in imp/config/prefs.php I see:

// use Virtual Trash folder
$_prefs['use_vtrash'] = array(
    'value' => 0,
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => false,
    'type' => 'implicit');

I guess that was combined with Virtual Inbox in IMP5.

When I can't figure out how to set a value on these, I will change the value using the IMP interface, then go look at the value stored in the database backend. You should see the serialized array value, which you can use on the vfolder value setting.

I'm sorry, I don't know if Virtual Trash is purged the same as traditional Trash folders. Play around and find out! :)

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