Robin has reported he has solved this in a different manner. But for purpose of archive and education, I answer some of his questions below.

Quoting Robin Bankhead <>:

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <>:

Again, there's no need to autoload. Just because we have an autoloader doesn't mean that require can't be used. In this particular case, it is a heck of a lot easier to simply require the file directly instead of trying to manipulate autoloading to work.

Point taken, but in this case where would I require it _from_?

A config file.  Or a hook.

To ensure a class is autoloadable, just directly include/require the file at some point prior to the class being accessed.

Isn't that just manual loading?

Yes. Again, there's nothing wrong with this. Autoloading is important when you are distributing code. When you are doing something locally, there's no problem to include a single file when necessary.

I guess I think like a distributor ;) I would be updating the horde distro once in a while, and for those times it'd seem easier (to me) if my own code additions were in the form of an "overlay" rather than a patch-set. No distro files being touched seems better.

Most of my clients want all their configuration in a single place, if possible. That was the suggestion for config/. There's nothing special about the directory, other than the fact that is generally the only place an installation will ever need to change the local files.


Michael Slusarz []

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