
On 29.04.19 17:49, Grigory Rechistov via Imports wrote:
> A full world map would never have been drawn with using just local
> knowledge.

This might well be the case, however you must not assume that OSM's
purpose is mainly to draw world maps.

If landcover can be determined from aerial imagery in an automatic
fashion, then a map maker could use OSM data (for high-detail local
knowledge) combined with auto-generated landcover to make maps.

It should not mean that OSM is abused as a receptacle for all kinds of
auto-generated data.

Uploading auto-generated data to OSM would *only* make sense if there is
a reasonable assumption that the auto-generated data can be improved
with local knowledge or at least good manual labour by the humans in

If, however, your reason for importing in the first place is that you
don't believe there's enough personpower to do it, then you do admit
that you are abusing OSM as a data distribution platform.

> Moreover, we live now in information age, why not make use of
> information at our hands?

Sure, make use of it all you want, just don't dump it into OSM where it
sabotages good work being done by people.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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