Hi Jason

The data sources are available for public consumption here:

Building Footprints (categorized under Planimetrics) - Polygon Shapefile:

(Situs) Addresses - Point Shapefile:

There is a field in the Arkansas state address data called "FEA_TYP," which describes the use of the address point, and is described in detail here:

The gist of it is that I spatial joined the address points to the building footprints in QGIS, and the following logic applies:

> if there is exactly one address point per building, and FEA_TYPE == "Residential"
    > then, building=detached
> if there are multiple address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Residential"
    > then, building=residential
> if there are 1+ address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Commercial"
    > then, building=commercial
> if there are 1+ address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Educational"
    > then, building=school
> if there are 1+ address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Governmental"
    > then, building=government
> if there are 1+ address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Industrial"
    > then, building=industrial
> if there are 1+ address points per building, and all of them are FEA_TYPE == "Religious"
    > then, building=religious
> else (default value)
    > building=yes



On 9/25/19 12:02 PM, Jmapb wrote:
On 9/22/2019 11:52 PM, Michael Morisette wrote:
I plan to import the building with the following tags, and will
manually conflate with existing OSM data as necessary:

* addr:city = *
* addr:housenumber = *
* addr:postcode = *
* addr:street = *
* building = detached/residential/commercial/industrial/yes
(all based on address information of points that intersect the building)

Hi Mike, thanks for the info. Do you have any details about the data
source and criteria for classifying buildings? All the plan says is "the
building classification will be determined from the address type."

Thanks, Jason

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