* Bryan Boone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> OK...
> So now I've effectively blown away the user created from the installer. 
>   That is,  I had to do usermod -u [my uid]; chown my home (I eventually 
> deleted it all); then cleaned up /tmp and /var/tmp from the previous 
> uid.  I'm left with a less than informative prompt :( (bash-3.2$)
> I know I goofed up and really went the long way around things, but live 
> and learn... for now, how do I get the default command prompt like the 
> installer created?

You need to add the following to your user's .bashrc file:

# Define default prompt to <username>@<hostname>:<path><"($|#) ">
# and print '#' for user "root" and '$' for normal users.
PS1='[EMAIL PROTECTED](hostname):$(
    [[ "$LOGNAME" = "root" ]] && printf "${PWD/${HOME}/~}# " ||
    printf "${PWD/${HOME}/~}\$ ")'

If you want the same PATH, MANPATH and PAGER settings then add:

export PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
export MANPATH=/usr/gnu/share/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11/share/man
export PAGER="/usr/bin/less -ins"


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