Thanks a lot for the information, Pankaj ji

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Pankaj Kumar <>wrote:

> There was a project undertaken by Natural History Museum London,
> called, The Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project. Headed by Dr.
> Charles Jarvis a very senior taxonomist, who happens to be on my
> friend list. They came out with a book called, "Order Out of Chaos:
> Linnaean Plant Names and Their Types". In this he provided information
> on the status of Type Specimens of Linnaeus and of those he referred
> and the species what he had described. The books gives the details of
> type and lectotypes of all the taxa described by Linnaeus along with
> their currently accepted names. According to the book, the currently
> accepted name is Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M.Roem.. The book was
> released in 2007 and I am yet to have a copy of it :(.
> IPNI does provide the synonyms as well as basionyms and in this
> particular taxa, it claims Cucumis as basionym. If you check the
> record history of the taxa then there are editings done by "BARKER". I
> know Dr. Tina Barker at IPNI personally, so I may ask her, but as the
> site claims, most probably, her answer will be same.
> Even JSTOR accepts Mukia as accepted name.
> (I am not sure if you can
> open this link, I can because I am a member of it).
> Note that GRIN database claims that it was last updated in 2008, but
> updation there may not mean updation in the synonymy but also any
> other information on the webpage of particular species, that may
> include other references.
> IPNI may be wrong, and so can be GRIN, but I trust Dr. Charles Jarvis and
> I am not forcing my point here. I am giving my reference and you are
> giving yours. We just need to check who is correct. Both have our
> references to support our views.
> Regards
> Pankaj
> --
> ***********************************************
> Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
> Research Associate
> Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
> Department of Habitat Ecology
> Wildlife Institute of India
> Post Box # 18
> Dehradun - 248001, India

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