Yes you were given a perfect wrong answer.
For Bonsai they never put chemicals to make it short.
Its just the maintenance of roots and twigs to keep it within the
limitation of nutrition in the pot.
I remember once during my MSc exam I was asked, "isnt making bonsai is
like torturing plants?" and my answer was "no, its a means of ex-situ
conservation of some important large as well as small plants. Japnese
excelled it to decorate their gardens, but they excelled in
maintaining some plants which we cant even work in ground.". To me its
same as cutting a child's hair to make him look more civilized :). But
trust me, if the world looses all its natural trees from its natural
environment, then Bonsai is the only option when we can maintain them
and see them.

On Aug 20, 2:29 pm, Madhuri Raut <> wrote:
> Respected members,
> I always wanted to know what exactly is Bonsai after I was introduced to
> this topic many years ago. It was told to me that it is done by injecting
> some chemicals to stunt the growth of plants. This put me into total
> aversion to Bonsaii. How can one go against Nature? Is this not cruelty to
> plants? Is this ethical and many such questions have lingered in my mind
> till today and it pains me.
> Was I given the wrong information?. I do not want to find on the net to get
> incomplete information.
> Can someone throw light on this subject and give me the correct information.
> It would help me to put my mind at peace if it is otherwise.
> Regards
> Bhagyashri

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