Oudhia sir, send your articles to Journal of Medicinal Plant Research.

On Saturday, 31 March 2012 02:30:52 UTC+8, Pankaj Oudhia wrote:
> Dear Group Members, 
>      Achyranthes aspera is a reputed medicinal herb since time immemorial. 
> I am documenting Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about this herb since year 
> 1990. I interacted with over 20,000 Traditional Healers from different 
> parts of India in last 22 years. Initial surveys resulted in 150,000 
> Formulations. Most of the Formulations are not reported in ancient as well 
> as modern literature. 
> I am Homoeopath by education and in Homoepathy, diseases are dealt in 
> detail. In our Kent's Repertory thousands of symptoms are mentioned. 
> As beginner, I conducted sample surveys with the help of questionnaire. 
> This approach was good for publication of papers but worst in getting true 
> information. 
> Today in the world thousands of papers are there on Ethnobotany with same 
> approach. Papers report about the herb useful in Malaria but it is 
> difficult to treat the patients in ground with this information. 
> Homoeopathy describes thousands of symptoms of Malaria and its 
> complications. 
> I used my study of Homeopathy to the surveys. "Vertigo after sexual 
> excess"- I asked this key symptom in different languages to thousands of 
> Traditional Healers. In 22 years I got information about thousands of 
> formulations for this key symptom. You can imagine the quantum of 
> information, when thousands of such symptoms are presented among the 
> Healers for their comments. 
> I am talking about only Achyranthes. There are thousands of medicinal 
> species used in Indian Traditional Healing. 
> I am trying to present these results with the help of my Medicinal Plant 
> Database. At first the effort is on to present the list of topics discussed 
> in database. Some topics discussed on Achyranthes are given in this document
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/87083468/Part-One-of-Chirchita-or-Apamarg-Achyranthes-aspera-L-based-Herbal-Formulations-in-Indian-Traditional-Healing-Pankaj-Oudhia%E2%80%99s-Ethnobotanical-Surve
> Today I was in local Pharmacy College for guest lecture. I talked on below 
> given topic for four hours.
> Hymenodictyon excelsum WALL. (Type 19- As per Traditional Allelopathic 
> Treatment the Traditional Healers practice) and Achyranthes aspera L. 
> (Apamarga, Chirchita, Aghedo, Prickly Chaff Flower, Latjira) with other 
> Herbal Ingredients (Allelopathically Enriched): Research Documents from 
> Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plants Database (Traditional Knowledge Database) 
> on use of Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Herbal Formulations) for Rectum- 
> coldness in anus .
> Students were keen to know more and assured that they will work on this 
> topic. 
> These Traditional Formulations are valuable asset of our country. 
> Unfortunately most of these formulations are not in famous TKDL as neither 
> the ancient nor the modern researchers documented the Traditional Knowledge 
> in this way. 
> As you know, I have taken not a single paisa from anyone to document this 
> knowledge in 22 years. From each topic one full length paper can be 
> prepared and published in hi-impact factor journal but it is practically 
> not possible to publish thousands of papers. Best way is to give it as gift 
> to young generation so that they can preserve and enrich it for future. 
> If you are interested please keep visiting 
> http://www.scribd.com/pankajoudhia and http://www.pankajoudhia.com for 
> updates.
> regards
> Pankaj Oudhia       

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