Thank you very much Tanay Ji for taking care of my curiosity.
As i was reading this very interesting lethal homozygous condition of *
Tradescantia* i was wondering why this plant drew so much attention of
scientists so that they went to explore even its genetics! More so because
i find that it has no economic uses other than its looks as have been
described in -

However, thank you once again for spending some time for me.



On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:39 AM, Tanay Bose <> wrote:

> Hi Surajit Da.
> Yes, Rhoeo discolor has two genomes indicated by α & β. During the meiotic
> segregation chromosomes comprising of each genomes moves towards the
> opposite poles. So that, each gamete has either α or β genome, hence the
> heterozygous condition (αβ) is maintained in the filial generation. It is
> believed that homozygous condition (αα or ββ) in Rhoeo leads to lethal
> mutation. Crossing over and synapsis do happen in the chromosomes but only
> at the terminal region of the arms along a restricted part. But, the
> sequential and detailed stages are not quite well understood.
> Regards
> Tanay
> --
> *Tanay Bose*
> Research & Teaching Assistant.
> Department of Botany.
> University of British Columbia .
> 6270 University Blvd.
> Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 (Canada)
> Phone: 778-323-4036 (Mobile)
>               604-822-2019 (Lab)
>               604-822-6089  (Fax)
> <>
> *Webpages:*
> UBC Botany , Berbee Lab <>
> UBC Botany, People <>
> EfloraofIndia <>

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