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PUBLIC    AI Index: ASA 21/124/99

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EXTRA 121/99   Fear for safety / Possible ?disappearance? / Fear of
     torture or ill-treatment 1 September 1999

EAST TIMOR     Deomentino de Fatima, aged 24
               Francisco do Nascimento, aged 35

Amnesty International is seriously concerned for the safety of three people
believed to be in the custody of the Dili-based militia group Aitarak.=
indicate that two of them have been badly beaten and that one may have been

Deomentino de Fatima was abducted by Aitarak members within the last few
ays in Taci Tolu, just outside Dili, as he and his family were travelling by
car from their home village of Lauhata, Liquica sub-district, to Dili. After
a flag of the Conselho Nacional da Resist=EAncia Timorense (CNRT) National
Council of
Timorese Resistance was discovered in the car, Deomentino de Fatima was=
and kicked and taken to an Aitarak post in Comoro, Dili. His family were
murrdered to return home. They have had no information on his whereabouts.

Francisco do Nascimento, from Ailok Laran, Bairro Pite Village, West Dili
Sub-district, Dili, has not been seen since 27 August 1999 - the day in
hich at least four people were killed during clashes between militia members=
pro-independence supporters in the Kuluhan area of Dili. When his wife went=
look for him at Aitarak headquarters she was reportedly told that there
were two Franciscos in their custody and she was threatened with detention.
According to one report Francisco do Nascimento has been severely beaten in
custody and possibly killed. The day after his ?disappearance? his motor
bike, shoes and belt were found in Dili.

The third person, a pro-independence supporter whose name is not known, was
reportedly handed over to Aitarak by police at the police resort (Polres) in
Metinaro Sub-district, Dili, where he had been in custody. According to
unconfirmed reports several Aitarak members had reportedly gone to the=
resort to urge the police to hand him over.

The situation in Dili has been very tense since the 31 August ballot in=
the East Timorese voted on whether to accept special autonomy within=
On 1 September there was a serious confrontation between militia members and
pro-independence close to the UNAMET (United Nations Mission in East Timor)
headquarters in Dili. At least one person, believed to be Georges Francisco
Bonoparte, is known to have been killed. His political affiliation is=
Journalists covering the events were also threatened by militia members and
forced to seek refuge, along with local East Timorese, in the UNAMET=
Buildings are also reported to have been set on fire and shots fired by the


Serious human rights violations, including unlawful killings,=
arbitrary arrests, threats and intimidation have continued following the=
in East Timor. The majority of the victims, both during the popular=
process and after the ballot, have been supporters of independence for East
Timor. UNAMET staff, in particular local staff, national and international
journalists, non-governmental organizations and humanitarian workers have=
been threatened, intimidated and attacked.

The majority of the violations have been carried out by members of pro-
integration militia groups, though the armed opposition group, Falintil, has
also committed abuses. There is clear evidence that the Indonesian military=
supporting the militias, including eyewitness accounts of direct military
involvement in many of the attacks which have taken place. The Indonesian
police have also given support to the militias by failing to prevent attacks
or to investigate reports of human rights violations. They are also known to
be directly involved in other incidents such as the attack on the village of
Memo on 27 August in which three people died. At least one of them is
thought to have been shot dead by the police.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send telegrams/faxes/express/airmail letters in
Bahasa Indonesia, English or your own language:

- expressing concern for the safety of Deomentino de Fatima, Francisco do
Nascimento and a third person, whose name is not known, who are believed to=
in Aitarak custody where they are at risk of torture or ill-treatment and
unlawful killing;

- urging the authorities to immediately provide information on their
whereabouts and to take measures to ensure their safety and release if they
are being held by Aitarak;

- asking that they investigate and prosecute members of Aitarak found to be
responsible for detaining the three;

- asking that all militia groups are disarmed and disbanded and that, in the
meantime, police prevent members of militia groups carrying out unlawful
detentions and other human rights violations.

APPEALS TO (please note that fax tones can be difficult to obtain. It is=
to try during local office hours - GMT +7):

Commander Resort Military Command (Korem) 164/wiradharma (covers East Timor)
Colonel Muhamad Noer Muis
Markas KOREM 164/Wiradharma
Dili, East Timor, Indonesia
Fax/Tel:  + 62 390 321 624 (if voice answers please say ?fax?)
Salutation:    Dear Colonel

Chief of Police For East Timor
Colonel GM Timbul Silaen
Kapolda Timor Timur
Dili, East Timor
Fax/Tel:  + 62 390 321 544
Salutation:    Dear Colonel

Commander of The Armed Forces (TNI)/Minister For Defence And Security
General Wiranto
Panglima TNI
Markas Besar TNI
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No 13
Jakarta Pusat
Faxes:    + 62 21 36 1471 (Armed Forces HQ); + 62 21 37 8144 /
          + 62 21  35 6404 / + 62 21 384 5178

and to diplomatic representatives of Indonesia accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat,=
your section office, if sending appeals after 29 September 1999.

SiaR WEBSITE: http://apchr.murdoch.edu.au/minihub/siarlist/maillist.html

Didistribusikan tgl. 2 Sep 1999 jam 06:16:08 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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