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          Dili, Aug. 31 (Lusa) - Pro-autonomy militiamen set fire
   Tuesday to five houses in Gleno, 50 kms southwest of Dili, a member
   of the Portuguese Observers Mission has stated.
          Jose Manuel Catarrinho was one of four Portuguese observers
   prevented for more than 10 hours from leaving the UNAMET (UN Mission
   in East Timor) office in Gleno.
          The burned houses all belonged to people with links to the
   pro-independence CNRT (Timorese National Resistance Council),
   Catarrinho said.
          About 140 people, including UNAMET employees, Portuguese and
   international observers, were blocked from leaving Gleno by militia
   members, who were allegedy searching for locally-hired UN election
   workers and hoping to seize ballot boxes containing votes cast in the
   Monday self-determination referendum.
          Indonesian police protected the UNAMET building during
   negotiations with militiamen and then escorted a road convoy carrying
   the observers and UNAMET workers back to Dili.
          Several UN civil policemen (CivPol) remained in Gleno, along
   with some locally-hired UN staff, Catarrinho said.
          The ballot boxes were successfully transported to the East
   Timor capital by a helicopter, which was stoned by militiamen in
   Gleno on its first landing attempt. -Lusa-

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Didistribusikan tgl. 2 Sep 1999 jam 06:28:54 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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