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Associated Press
September 1, 1999


DILI, Indonesia (AP)--Hundreds of anti-independence militiamen blocked the
street outside the U.N. headquarters in East Timor's capital Wednesday,
setting on fire a nearby house and shooting cars driving into the U.N.

A taxi carrying journalists to the scene was fired on and had its rear window
smashed by militiamen.

The violence came as the United Nations began counting ballots Wednesday in
East Timor's historic referendum, a vote that was expected to approve the
territory's independence from Indonesia.

It wasn't clear if the militiamen had broken into the compound. Dark smoke
billowed from the raging fire near the complex. Indonesian soldiers stood by,
but didn't intervene to stop the rioting.

Earlier in Dili, hundreds of armed anti-independence militiamen gathered in
the capital's streets, and at least one person was killed.

Dozens of militiamen fired weapons near the entrance of the U.N. headquarters
in Dili. A U.N. security officer confirmed that about 150 people - including
U.N. officials and journalists - had taken shelter in an auditorium in the

Wednesday's attack was the most serious against the United Nations since the
world body took over organization of the vote in May. U.N. workers were
attacked before the vote. One was killed Monday, and two are feared dead -
victims of attacks just after the vote.

Gunshots rang out Tuesday night in one town, and residents accused the
militants of killing a family of eight. In Dili, police said a teen-ager was
shot to death.

The violence followed Monday's relatively peaceful referendum on
independence. The outbreak raised fears that the territory could slide back
into lawlessness as pro-Indonesia militias - sensing defeat - try frantically
to take control of whatever they can.

The militias, believed to be backed by Indonesia's military, have accused the
United Nations of rigging the vote to encourage independence. The referendum
gave East Timorese the option of breaking away from Indonesia, or remaining
part of it with autonomy. ***

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Didistribusikan tgl. 2 Sep 1999 jam 09:19:33 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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