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Dow Jones Newswires
Sept. 5 1999

UK's Cook: EU Needs Contingency Plan For East Timor

LONDON -- U.K. Foreign Secretary Robin Cook said Sunday that the government
of Indonesia needs to be urged by the European Union to deliver on its
commitment that it would maintain security in East Timor.

He added that the European Union needs a contingency plan for East Timor.

"We are getting the right words on that out of Jakarta but as yet we have not
seen the right action on East Timor," said Cook during an interview with the
BBC program Breakfast with Frost.

"Secondly, we need to also be ready, if we can get an agreement from the
government of Indonesia, to make sure that the international community will
itself be willing to support the security of East Timor," he added.

"The European Union needs to start planning and be ready with a contingency
to play its part in the construction of a civil society," he added.

This, he said, is important because the government of Indonesia has said that
it will pull out once its parliament makes the decision.

"We've got to be ready to move in to provide the transitional administration
and take East Timor into independence" and make a reality of that referendum
as well as provide administration with the security forces it will need.

Didistribusikan tgl. 5 Sep 1999 jam 14:31:50 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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