>From: Drewsta Merefield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Australia only wants the blood shed in TIM-TIM to stop. After twenty five 
>years of torturing the people.

Do you how the TRIGGER work ? The trigger of TimTim is Portugal who did NOT 
give any responsibility when Portugal minggat from TimTim.

>Australia doesn't want to rule over Indonesia or
>become a super power in Asia.

Your MEDIA GIVE us the image of that, how Howard and Downer talk in TV, how 
Bishop Hilton Deakin blames the Muslim army killing the Catholic people, how 
Vatican points finger to Islamic Fundamentalist again Catholic people in 
TimTim in your Australian TV, HORTA who accuse non christian as a trouble 
maker in TimTim via your TV media. Are those Australian culture ? Those talk 
via Australian Media HURT and HURT *MILLION* Indonesian people who NOT 
involved in TimTim. Again please record your PM and Foreign Minister, etc. 
the way they talk, sombong!

>Jangan lupa, Indonesia can never invade Australia

Again, Indonesian media never publish to invade Australia, but Australia 
Media made that report in TV.

>Australia doesn't want to invade Indonesia. There will be no war between 
>the two.

Direct war won't, but we need a proof in future, what will happen with the 
baby of TimTim, any pangkalan militer asing di sana, apakah akan menjadi 
pusat pergerakan untuk disintegrasi Republik Indonesia.

how ever, Image is printed and already get stuck in million Indonesian 
people heart who not involve in TimTim, siapa yang bertanggung jawab ?


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