Ketika semua orang menyalahkan milisi, tak seorangpun mau menoleh kepada 
keikhlasan keputusan Indonesia atas jajak pendapat untuk perbaikan. Tapi 
suatu saat borok itupun akan terkuak.

Kalau diasumsikan yang mengungsi ke Indonesia itu adalah pro-integrasi, 
sekarang jumlah pengungsi dewasa yang ikut jajak pendapat  telah jauh 
melebihi jumlah hasil pemilih jajak pendapat pro-integrasi. Kan aneh. Ada 
apa ini ?

Saya tidak membela milisi dan TNI, karena saya SANGAT setuju dengan 
perbaikan sistem pemerintah Indonesia mendatang yang betul-2 demokrasi, TNI 
harus profesional TIDAK ada wakil cuma-cuma di DPR, tidak ada UG dan UD, 
amandemen UUD 1945, dll. Yang saya gugat adalah KETIDAK JUJURAN UNAMET, 
kalau PBB secara institusi dan system akan selalu baik, tetapi sang 
pelaksana jajak pendapat inilah: unamet inilah yang gombal, dan kerusuhan 
yang timbul pasca jajak pendapat adalah gara-gara kekecewaan atas hasil 
kerja unamet yang tidak jujur, tapi media massa dunia telah berhasil memutar 
balikkan ketidak jujuran unamet. iMage Indonesia jelek. Ini yang tidak saya 

Tapi tidak semua orang bule jahat, banyak pula yang punya nurani.
by: Roger Gould

When John Howard persuaded Habibie to offer independence to East Timor
last December, Howard was elated.  Little did he dream it would come to 
this.  Habibie took a big risk in offering independence to the East
Timorese, but he is now way out on a limb, and Howard is deserting him
as well. Not a pretty sight. However if Australia or the US invades East 
Timor, Indonesians will close ranks around Habibie, and will let him off the 
hook. The Australian union trade embargo will also have the opposite effect 
to that intended as it will ignite Indonesian nationalism.  But first, back 
to the facts.

Indonesians can see what you can see on TV, the militias going crazy
watched by the police, but Indonesians can also hear the other side of
the story, as eloquent Timorese explain their anger at having been
tricked by the UN and Australia. Timorese lawyers proving beyond
reasonable doubt that the election was a fraud. The Timorese have
dignity and self-respect, and this aspect of the revolt is not
understood or even mentioned by the media (we watch Australian TV and

The list of UN irregularities is very long: recruiting local staff from the 
"pro-independence" side (CNRT), "pro-autonomy" parties rejected from 
participating in the referendum (ostensibly because of lack of English 
language competence, however the "pro-independence" staff had been selected 
and sent on English language training in Australia several months before; 
who paid for that?); no clear procedures for conduct or monitoring of the 
elections; opening and closing of polling booths at various times eg 5 am 
when there were no observers, refusal of monitoring by observers from the 
many "pro-autonomy" groups, Indonesian journalist cameras not allowed within 
200 metres of polling booths, pro-independence groups escorting and 
"helping" the elderly to vote, and the sudden reversal of the order of 
choices on the referendum sheet, so that whereas the re-election advertising 
showed the pro-autonomy choice on top, and the no autonomy choice on the 
bottom, the UN switched it round the other way. The UN campaigned for 
"pro-independence" whereas legally the NO vote is to return East Timor to 
the decolonisation process, that is, become a Portuguese colony again. The 
YES vote was for autonomy, but was over-ridden by the reactionary NO vote 
dressed up with sugar coating (as happens in most referendums.)  No wonder 
Timorese were
confused and the progressives feel cheated. The list goes on and on, not to 
mention the Australian and New Zealand "journalists" caught with boxes full 
of pre-punched voting slips. The Australian Government even sent a 
campaigning team dressed up as "observers" led by Tim Fischer, harrassing 
local government officials, according to their accounts. What a fiasco. What 
I can hardly believe is that the Indonesian Government trusted the UN to run 
a fair election without checking the details.  The UN reject these 
accusations, saying that everything was done according to procedures; but 
what procedures? It was a far cry from Indonesia's own election in May, when 
there was much publication of the hundreds of ways you can cheat in 
elections (the website is still there).

Now of course the Indonesian Government is blamed for the mess. Let me
tell you they want to be free of this as fast as they can, and have
released Xanana already.  However now the UN has got cold feet and
doesn't want him to be flown home to Dili.  That's understandable.  They 
know that the Timorese are very angry at being tricked, and no
foreigners are safe, likewise anyone suspected of having been
accomplices.  Ramos Horta had better stay in Australia and enjoy the
life of luxury.

Let's not confuse cause and effect.  The cause of the Timorese uprising is 
the cheating in the referendum. The effect is the outburst of anger among 
the losers, and hence the Indonesian troops' sympathy for their cause. 
Unfortunately Australia shares the blame (by participating in the one-sided 
preparations, by campaigning, and by not arresting those caught cheating and 
deported, for instance). If the referendum was run fairly, the worst thing 
that would happen is that the pro-autonomy side would ask for the right to 
live in East Timor with their own administration if they lost (they already 
mentioned that after the referendum and before the announcement of the 

The biggest disaster is of course the refugee problem which Indonesia
faces. The reality is that most people in East Timor will vote with
their feet and flee to Indonesia. According to certain Geneva
conventions, the UN is responsible whenever there is a massive
humanitarian disaster: does Indonesia hear any offers for help right
now? NO!  The US and Australia supported Indonesia's invasion in 1975
when the pro-communist Fretilin threatened to declare independence.
Where is the support for Indonesia now, when there are Timorese lives at 

The Australian Embassy was attacked in Jakarta yesterday, and
anti-Australian feeling is running very high because of Howard's
arrogant lecturing of the Indonesians since last December.  The Labor
Party is even trying to outdo him, showing even less sense. Every civil war 
is brutal, there is no use blaming one of the warring parties, especially if 
you yourself have already taken sides.  This is another reason to stop 
lecturing and start helping.

Perlu diketahui bahwa masyarakat pro-integrasi merasa melihat
langsung di lapangan banyaknya kecurangan dan rekayasa negatif
yang dilakukan Misi PBB di Timtim (Unamet). Dalam hal ini lebih
banyak yang dilakukan oleh local staff Unamet yang hampir
semuanya terdiri dari penduduk asli yang anti-integrasi.

Kecurangan itu terekam, dicatat, dan dikumpulkan. Selanjutnya fakta
itu dilaporkan kepada Unamet, PBB, dan Pemerintah Indonesia
sebagai suatu protes yang disampaikan oleh UNIF, Front Bersama
Komisi Pro-Integrasi, juga oleh Barisan Rakyat Timor Timur (BRTT),
dan oleh organisasi-organisasi lain. Sayang sekali, sampai saat ini,
belum ada jawaban yang dapat mereka terima sebagai suatu
klarifikasi yang masuk akal.

Dengan demikian, pada saat mereka mendengarkan hasil penentuan
pendapat yang pengumumannya dipercepat, dan ternyata memang
terdapat perbedaan angka yang sangat mencolok, kekecewaan itu
berubah menjadi sebuah kemarahan. Mereka meyakini dirinya
menjadi korban ketidakadilan. Menjadi korban
kesewenang-wenangan. Menjadi korban kecurangan. Itulah
sebenarnya yang menyulut terjadinya tindakan-tindakan yang
melanggar hukum.

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