Duta Besar Republik Indonesia Canberra A.C.T. Australia -------------------------------- Nomor : /DB/IX/1999 Canberra, 15 September 1999 Lampiran : 1 berkas Perihal : Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa AusAID Kepada 1. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA NSW di Sydney 2. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Victoria di Melbourne 3. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Queensland di Brisbane 4. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Western Australia di Perth 5. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA South Australia di Adelaide 6. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Northern Territory di Darwin 7. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Tasmania di Hobart 8. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta PPIA Australia Capital Territory di Canberra 9. Yth. Ketua dan seluruh anggauta HPPIA di Canberra Dengan hormat, Mengingat adanya berbagai rasa kurang senang di kalangan mahasiswa Indonesia yang belajar di Australia, khususnya bagi penerima beasiswa AusAID, dan bahkan sudah ada beberapa yang memutuskan untuk pulang, pihak KBRI telah mendiskusikan hal ini dengan pihak AusAID. Terlampir adalah jawaban dari Mr. Peter McCawley, Deputy Director General AusAID. Meskipun sudah ada petunjuk dalam surat terlampir, perlu pula kami menghimbau agar Saudara menahan diri untuk tidak bereaksi secara berkelebihan dan merenungkan dengan seksama untung rugi atas keputusan yang Saudara ambil. Atas perhatian Saudara, kami mengucapkan terima kasih. KEPALA PERWAKILAN R.I. S. Wiryono Duta Besar LB&BP ------------------------------------------------------------------- Attn: Bpk Wiryono yth Date: 13 September Duta Besar RI Di Canberra Fax Number: 6273 3545 Pages (including cover): 3 SUBJECT: Mahasiswa Indonesia di Australia Pak Wiryono yth Terima kasih atas telepon call kemarin mengenai keadaan mahasiswa Indonesia di universitas Australia. We have discussed the situation di Aus AID hari ini. We have decided to send the attached memo to Australian State Directors (signed by John Caldwell, Director, Student Programs Section, di kantor pusat Aus AID). The memo sets out our desire to ensure that any concerns that mahasiswa Indonesia di Australia may have are looked after. I want to assure Indonesian students, through you, that as the memo says, we are "keen to ensure that scholarship students from Indonesia and their families are supported and that the students are encouraged to successfully complete their courses of study." If any students have any concerns, they should consult with the AusAID Liason Officers (ALO) and the international Offices within their universities. I personally hope that no students will have serious concerns. Students from your country, the Republic of Indonesia, are naturally very welcome as students in Australia. Kind regards, Peter McCawley Deputy Director General Australian Agency for International Development ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- DATE: 13 September 1999 SUBJECT: Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) For: State Directors cc: Indonesian desk Given recent events, I thought it timely to provide some reassurances about AusAID's position should any scholarship students from Indonesia seek AusAID assistance or clarification. I am keen to ensure that scholarship students from Indonesia and their families are supported. Please contact me immediately if any concerns are raised. Our overall position is that AusAID is keen to ensure that scholarships students from Indonesia and their families are supported and that the students are encouraged to successfully complete their course of study. It is most important, as I see it, that this message be conveyed to all Indonesian students currently on AusAID awards. If any Indonesian scholarship student feels that they are under any threat, is experiencing difficulties with their studies, or wished to withdraw from their scholarship, then: · AusAID will ensure that the AusAid Liaison Officers (ALOs) and the International Offices within the universities provide the appropriate level of support to the student. · AusAID will consider the student's position, and will be sympathetic to the needs and circumstances of the student; and · As with any student who wished to withdraw from their scholarship, AusAID will fund the return to Indonesian of any such student. Please note that for all Indonesian students undertaking Australian Development Scholarships (ADS): · There have been no changes to Australia's Aid Program for Indonesia; · All Award offers (including for the year 2000 intake) still stand; · Processing of applications for the year 2001 intake is proceeding well; · AusAID is keen to support students already in Australia to continue their studies; and · AusAID, through the universities, will continue to provide the appropriate academic and welfare support to the student and their family. In order to assist Indonesian students, I would ask directors to contact all ALOs and reassure them of AusAIDS's position. The ALOs should inform the International and Welfare Offices within their universities of their position and alert the State Offices immediately of any issues or concerns raised by Indonesian Students. John Caldwell Director Student Program Section
Penerima Beasiswa AusAID
Education and Cultural Section Indonesian Embassy Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:11:42 -0700
- Penerima beasiswa AusAID Education and Cultural Section Indonesian Embassy
- Penerima Beasiswa A... Education and Cultural Section Indonesian Embassy
- Penerima Beasiswa A... Education and Cultural Section Indonesian Embassy