=              INDOZ-NET Membership Count for 11 Oct 99               =
=                  Generated using SSListProcUtil                     =
=                      Yos Ginting (1994,1996)                            =
= Latest membership list, mail and file archives are available        =
= from the web at the following URL                                   =
=         http://info.utas.edu.au/docs/yos/index.html                 =
= Any queries about INDOZ-Net must be directed to                     =
=         [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   =
                     KOMPOSISI  ANGGOTA INDOZ-NET
NEGARA                ORGANISASI/INSTITUSI                    JUMLAH
        STATE                                                ANGGOTA 
         ACT   Australian National University                    1
         ACT   University of Canberra                            0
         ACT   Australian Defence Force Academy                  0
         NSW   Southern Cross University                         0
         NSW   University of Sydney                              3
         NSW   University of Western Sydney                      2
         NSW   University of Newcastle                           0
         NSW   University of New England                         2
         NSW   University of Wollongong                          0
         NSW   Macquarie University                              1
         NSW   University of New South Wales                     2
         NSW   Charles Sturt University                          0
         NSW   University of Techonoly Sydney                    1
         NT    Northern Territory University                     0
         QLD   Bond University                                   0
         QLD   Griffith University                               1
         QLD   James Cook University                             3
         QLD   Queensland Univerity of Technology                3
         QLD   University of Central Queensland                  0
         QLD   University of Queensland                          4
         QLD   University College of Southern Queensland         0
         SA    University of South Australia                     0
         SA    University of Adelaide                            0
         SA    Flinders University of South Australia            1
         TAS   University of Tasmania                            4
         VIC   Ballarat University                               0
         VIC   Deakin University                                 3
         VIC   Latrobe University                                1
         VIC   Swinburne Institute of Technology                 0
         VIC   Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology           1
         VIC   University of Melbourne                           0
         VIC   Monash University                                 4
         VIC   Victoria University of Technology                 1
         WA    Edith Cowan University                            0
         WA    Curtin University of Technology                   0
         WA    MLC                                               0
         WA    University of Western Australia                   1
         WA    Murdoch University                                0
         APANA                                                   0
         BAIN                                                    0
         DIALIX                                                  0
         CSIRO                                                   0
         NEXUS                                                   0
         GOV                                                     0
         COM                                                    16
         Tasmanian Education Dept                                1
         NET                                                     8
         ORG                                                     1

                              AUSTRALIA                         65
Austria                                                          0
Canada                                                           2
China                                                            0
UK                                                               1
France                                                           1
Germany                                                          1
Indonesia : ARCO                                                 0
            Bina Nusantara (STMIK)                               0
            Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS)                           0
            BPP Teknologi                                        0
            British Council                                      0
            Budi Luhur (STMIK)                                   0
            Caltex Pacific                                       0
            CBN Net (PT CBN)                                     4
            CENTRIN Net                                          9
            Departement Pendidikan dan kebudayaan (SISDIK)       0
            Department Perindustrian                             0
            Guna Darma (STMIK)                                   0
            IBM                                                  0
            ICON (PT ICON?)                                      0
            IDOLA Service (Indonesia Online Access)              2
            Indo Net Service (PT. Indo Internet)                 9
            INDOSAT                                              3
            INDOSOFT Net                                         0
            Institut Teknologi Bandung                           3
            Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi NET (IPTEK NET)       0
            Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)            0
            Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa (LAPAN)            0
            MEGA Net                                             3
            MELSA Net (PT Melsa)                                 0
            NUSA Net                                             0
            RAD Net Service (PT. Rahajasa Media Internet)        5
            Schlumberger                                         0
            Sekretariat ASEAN, Jakarta                           0
            STIKOM Surabaya                                      0
            Surya Citra TV (SCTV)                                0
            TELKOM Net                                           1
            Universitas Indonesia                                0
            Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya                  0
            Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA)                         0
            Wasantara Net (PT Pos indonesia)                     6
Israel                                                           0
Italy                                                            1
Japan                                                            0
Korea                                                            0
Kuwait                                                           0
Malaysia                                                         1
Mexico                                                           0
Netherland                                                       0
New Zealand                                                      1
Papua New Guinea                                                 0
Russian Federation                                               0
Singapore                                                        2
Slovak Republic                                                  0
Switzerland                                                      0
Taiwan                                                           0
Thailand                                                         0
USA                                                            119
UNRESOLVED Users                                                49
                              TOTAL                            276
=      INDOZ-NET Joint Administrators     |   Antonius Wijanarto      =
=    List   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Erryl D Lumintang       =
+    Admin  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Antonius Wijanarto      +

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