> is why I am entirely non-judgemental, and was why I made my first comment.

but isn't it precisely 'the representation' [be it the picture or news in 
the media] which makes people feel awful, hurt or distressed?

> Lets just hope it all works out in the end. 

how? by letting the depiction that indonesia is terrible, hopeless and the 
'internationa community' is good, the provider of safe haven, and accept 
it as the 'truth', common knowledge?

All I want to see is peace in
> our region, pak. In any conflict, it is the common people of all involved
> countries who suffer and lose, and the politicans who are the last to
> suffer anything at all. Not that is NOT fair. Regards, Ivan L Byriel 3D

while that is also true, the suffering of [some] people has actually 
started when they are depicted as bad guys unsparingly in public 

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