On 11 May 2011, at 13:29, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
> First thing I thought when reading your email was "OMG do we support
> on-the-fly hash implementation changes? crazy!"
> That's obviously not the case, but if you name it as
> @ConsistenHashChangeListene that's what I would think.
good point :-)
ConsistentHashMembershipChange perhaps?
> Wouldn't it be better to change the exact timing of the viewchange
> event? I don't see why Infinispan users might be more interested in
> knowing about the topology details according to the transport than
> what they are about the actual Infinispan hashing topology - I would
> expect that when I receive which notification the new view is already
> installed and ready to go; actually I thought that was the case since
> ever.
> What would be the use cases to get the notification *before* the new
> hash is installed?
@ViewChanged  listener is a CacheManager listener, so it's independent of the 
caches in that are in use. It is possible for the CacheManager to wait for all 
its distributed caches to install the view first, and only then dispatch the 
@ViewChange event, 
Not sure that's a good idea in the general case, though.
> Cheers,
> Sanne
> 2011/5/11 Mircea Markus <mircea.mar...@jboss.com>:
>> Hi,
>> The basic problem behind this is that I need to be notified when a new
>> consistent hash is installed.
>> ATM there isn't any support (of which I know)  for  a
>> "@ConsistenHashChangeListener".
>> I'm thinking to add such notifications either:
>> a) internally: Observer pattern on DistributionManager or even on
>> DistributionManagerImpl
>> b) more generically, as a fully flagged listener.
>> I favor a) and then if more people ask for it we will expose it as a fully
>> flagged listener.
>> Suggestions?
>> Cheers,
>> Mircea
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