Hey guys,

Re: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1396

While looking into this, I've discovered that we have been creating executors 
in cache level components, where we're calling submit from @Listener 

For example, BaseStateTransferManagerImpl.ViewChangeListener submits a rehash 
task and TransactionTable.StaleTransactionCleanup submits a tasks to break 

Did the people that wrote these listeners (Dan & Mircea respectively) consider 
defining listeners to be called asynchronously? i.e. @Listener(sync = false)

Unless you have very strict requirements, the async listener executor should 
just work, and would lead to reuse of executors which results in lower 

The same applies to the singleton store executor btw.

Surely, if we were to expand on to other use cases, async notification executor 
should have more than 1 max thread by default, otherwise we could easily hold 
up tasks.

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache

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