To be more precise, by pagination I'm referring to methods 
QueryBuilder.startOffset/maxResults. Since our remote protocol are 
stateless we would need to re-execute the query to fetch the next page. 
That leads to the same problem of approximation.

On 03/11/2014 03:11 PM, Adrian Nistor wrote:
> I think that technical trickiness is also required for implementing
> pagination, and would probably also suffer from same
> limitations/approximations.
> Should we remove pagination too from the api?
> On 03/11/2014 10:47 AM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>> On 10 March 2014 17:09, Mircea Markus <> wrote:
>>> On Mar 10, 2014, at 15:12, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
>>>> Ok you make some good points, and I've no doubts of it being useful.
>>>> My only concern is that this could slow us down significantly in
>>>> providing other features which might be even more useful or pressing.
>>>> You have to pick your battles and be wise on where to spend energy
>>>> first.
>>>> Considering that it's easier to add methods than to remove them, what
>>>> would you think of marking this as experimental for now?
>>>> I'd prefer to see the non-indexed query engine delivered first; this
>>>> sounds like being a stone on the critical path so it might be wise to
>>>> have the option to drop the requirement from a first implementation.
>>>> Definitely you're right that we should then implement "some" COUNT
>>>> strategy, I'm just not comfortable in committing on this one yet.
>>> I can imagine a lot of users emulating this by simply iterating over the 
>>> entries in the result set. Even if we do just that and document it as slow, 
>>> I think it's still worth exposing this somewhere.
>> I'm not questioning it to be useful. But the implementation is tricky,
>> for example simply iterating would require a global (and distributed)
>> lock to be accurate.
>> Otherwise we can only document it as an approximation, and worst is we
>> can't even estimate an error margin: under steady load it would
>> probably be a reasonable estimation, but there are corner cases in
>> which you can get off by several orders of magnitude.
>> Among others, your assumptions would need to include:
>>    - no nodes failing (no state transfers happening)
>>    - no write spikes (probably one of the best reasons to deploy
>> infinispan is to be able to absorb spikes)
>>    - no wild churning across datastore/cachestores
>>    - expirations happening in a homogeneus pattern (this entirely
>> depends on the use case)
>> Also there is no way to make this work in the context of a
>> transaction, as it would pretty much violate any promise of repeatable
>> read properties.
>> So the question is, if a user would still consider it useful after
>> (hopefully) understanding all the attached strings.
>> In other contexts we discussed the need for Infinispan to provide
>> something like a snapshot capability based on TOA. If we had that, we
>> could implement a count operation on top of it.
>> Sanne
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