I find checking null a bit cleaner. -1 is sooooo C :) but that's relatively 
minor and we can go either way. 

> On 11 mars 2014, at 21:59, Randall Hauch <rha...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Maybe a Long rather than an Integer? Ints are so last year. :-)
> And, what about using a primitive that returns -1 when the method cannot 
> determine the size (if allowed by the parameter). Just as easy to check -1 
> than it is to check null, IMO.
>> On Mar 11, 2014, at 2:21 PM, Emmanuel Bernard <emman...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>> It does not work, I think, because if you implement your query via some map 
>> reduce and you do pagination, it will be costly to compute the size and you 
>> might want not to return it.
>> Hence my Accuracy idea to clarify the intend to the API user.
>>> On 11 Mar 2014, at 19:18, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org> wrote:
>>> what about we call it
>>> int getEstimatedResultSize() ?
>>> Having such a method occasionally return null looks very bad to me,
>>> I'd rather remove the functionality.
>>> -- Sanne
>>>> On 11 March 2014 19:08, Emmanuel Bernard <emman...@hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>> I agree with Randall.
>>>> I tend to be very conservative about my public APIs. And offering an API 
>>>> that I think will block me in the future is something I tend to avoid.
>>>> Something like .guessNbrOfMatchingElements() / .guessResultSize() would 
>>>> provide a better clue about the gamble the user takes. Note that the size 
>>>> is irrespective of the pagination applied which renders this result quite 
>>>> cool even if approximate.
>>>> I’d be tempted not to put getResultSize() with an exact value in the 
>>>> public contract as iterating is probably going to as “fast”.
>>>> An alternative is something like that (needs to be refined though)
>>>> /**
>>>> * Get the result size.
>>>> * Approximate results are to be preferred as it is usually very cheap to 
>>>> compute.
>>>> * If the computation is too expensive, the approximate accuracy returns 
>>>> null.
>>>> *
>>>> * Exact results are likely to be costly and require two queries.
>>>> */
>>>> Integer getResultSize(Accuracy);
>>>> enum Accuracy { EXACT, APPROXIMATE_OR_NULL }
>>>> Emmanuel
>>>>> On 11 Mar 2014, at 18:23, Randall Hauch <rha...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> I disagree. Most developers have access to the JavaDoc, and if even 
>>>>> moderately well-written, they will find out what the method returns and 
>>>>> when. It’s no different than a method sometimes returning null rather 
>>>>> than an object reference.
>>>>>> On Mar 11, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Dennis Reed <der...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Providing methods that work sometimes and don't work other times is
>>>>>> generally a bad idea.
>>>>>> No matter how much you document it, users *will* try to use it and
>>>>>> expect it to always work
>>>>>> (either because they didn't read the docs that say otherwise, they think
>>>>>> they'll stick to a configuration where it does work, etc.)
>>>>>> And then when it doesn't work (because they pushed something to
>>>>>> production which has a different configuration than dev, etc)
>>>>>> it's a frustrating experience.
>>>>>> -Dennis
>>>>>>> On 03/11/2014 09:37 AM, Randall Hauch wrote:
>>>>>>> I’m struggling with this same question in ModeShape. The JCR API 
>>>>>>> exposes a method that returns the number of results, but at least the 
>>>>>>> spec allows the implementation to return -1 if the size is not known 
>>>>>>> (or very expensive to compute). Yet this still does not satisfy all 
>>>>>>> cases.
>>>>>>> Depending upon the technology, computing the **exact size** ranges from 
>>>>>>> very cheap to extremely expensive to calculate. For example, consider a 
>>>>>>> system that has to take into account access control limitations of the 
>>>>>>> user. My current opinion is that few applications actually need an 
>>>>>>> exact size, and if they do there may be alternatives (like counting as 
>>>>>>> they iterate over the results).
>>>>>>> An alternative is to expose an **approximate size**, which is likely to 
>>>>>>> be sufficient for generating display or other pre-computed information 
>>>>>>> such as links or paging details. I think that this is sufficient for 
>>>>>>> most needs, and that even an order of magnitude is sufficient. When the 
>>>>>>> results are known to be small, the system might want to determine the 
>>>>>>> exact size (e.g., by iterating).
>>>>>>> So one option is to expose both methods, but allow the exact size 
>>>>>>> method to return -1 if the system can’t determine the size or if doing 
>>>>>>> so is very expensive. This allows the system a way out for 
>>>>>>> large/complex queries and flexibility in the implementation technology. 
>>>>>>> The approximate size method probably always needs to return at least 
>>>>>>> some usable value.
>>>>>>> BTW, computing an exact size by iterating can be expensive unless you 
>>>>>>> can keep all the results in memory. That’s not ideal - a query with 
>>>>>>> large results could fill up available memory. If you don’t keep all 
>>>>>>> results in memory, then if you’re going to allow clients to access the 
>>>>>>> results more than once you have to provide a way to buffer the results.
>>>>>>>> On Mar 10, 2014, at 7:23 AM, Sanne Grinovero <sa...@infinispan.org> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> we are exposing a nice feature inherited from the Search engine via
>>>>>>>> the "simple" DSL version, the one which is also available via Hot Rod:
>>>>>>>> org.infinispan.query.dsl.Query.getResultSize()
>>>>>>>> To be fair I hadn't noticed we do expose this, I just noticed after a
>>>>>>>> recent PR review and I found it surprising.
>>>>>>>> This method returns the size of the full resultset, disregarding
>>>>>>>> pagination options; you can imagine it fit for situations like:
>>>>>>>> "found 6 million matches, these are the top 20: "
>>>>>>>> A peculiarity of Hibernate Search is that the total number of matches
>>>>>>>> is extremely cheap to figure out as it's generally a side effect of
>>>>>>>> finding the 20 results. Essentially we're just exposing an int value
>>>>>>>> which was already computed: very cheap, and happens to be useful in
>>>>>>>> practice.
>>>>>>>> This is not the case with a SQL statement, in this case you'd have to
>>>>>>>> craft 2 different SQL statements, often incurring the cost of 2 round
>>>>>>>> trips to the database. So this getResultSize() is not available on the
>>>>>>>> Hibernate ORM Query, only on our FullTextQuery extension.
>>>>>>>> Now my doubt is if it is indeed a wise move to expose this method on
>>>>>>>> the simplified DSL. Of course some people might find it useful, still
>>>>>>>> I'm wondering how much we'll be swearing at needing to maintain this
>>>>>>>> feature vs its usefulness when we'll implement alternative execution
>>>>>>>> engines to run queries, not least on Map/Reduce based filtering, and
>>>>>>>> ultimately hybrid strategies.
>>>>>>>> In case of Map/Reduce I think we'll need to keep track of possible
>>>>>>>> de-duplication of results, in case of a Teiid integration it might
>>>>>>>> need a second expensive query; so in this case I'd expect this method
>>>>>>>> to be lazily evaluated.
>>>>>>>> Should we rather remove this functionality?
>>>>>>>> Sanne
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