Hi all,

I have a few more that might be candidates for the 7.0.x branch.  The
critical ones (for me) have to do with state transfer and locks.  Some of
these are still pending, though.


There are a few optimizations. ISPN-5042, in particular, seems like a
quick win.  For ISPN-5037 and ISPN-5032, I'll probably implement on my own.

Also under the heading of optimizations -- one thing that's a real problem
with my cache configuration is the verbose nature of
OutdatedTopologyExceptions.  They're thrown as RemoteExceptions, which
cause stack traces all over the place when a NonTx cache retries its
operation.  (These actually crashed an indexer on my analytics engine
during a performance state transfer test.)  Also, if the key ownership
hasn't changed, why throw them at all?


(If I'm on Santa's naughty list, I may have a crack at implementing them.)

There are a few minor cosmetic things that are easily ported.


Thanks all,


On 12/4/14, 10:22 AM, "Erik Salter" <an1...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I was asked to vote on a list of JIRAs for 7.0.3 and send it to the
>mailing list.  The next iteration of my application is migrating from
>5.2.x to 7.0.x, so I'm really focused on hardening and stability,
>especially WRT state transfer.  Here are the ones I was looking at, mostly
>related to state transfer:
>- ISPN-5000
>- ISPN-4949 (and related ISPN-5030)
>- ISPN-4975
>- ISPN-5027
>Notes on a few others I was looking at:
>- ISPN-4444, from the description, looks serious enough to include.  I
>haven't looked at the commit in-depth; appears to be limited to keys in
>- ISPN-4979 appears to be a substantial change.  I would defer to the team
>about how risky of a change it is.
>And if ISPN-3561 makes it into a 7.0.3, I'd consider it a personal favor.
>infinispan-dev mailing list

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