> On 15 Dec 2016, at 11:18, Gustavo Fernandes <gust...@infinispan.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 9:54 AM, Emmanuel Bernard <emman...@hibernate.org 
> <mailto:emman...@hibernate.org>> wrote:
> The goal is as followed: allow to collect all changes to push them to 
> Debezium and thus Kafka.
> This need does not require to remember all changes since the beginning of 
> time in Infinispan. Just enough to:
> - let Kafka catchup assuming it is the bottleneck
> - let us not lose a change in Kafka when it happened in Infinispan 
> (coordinator, owner, replicas dying)
> The ability to read back history would then be handled by the Debezium / 
> Kafka tail, not infinispan itself.
> Having an embedded Debezium connector pushing everything to Kafka sounds 
> cool, but what impact would it bring to the other stream consumers:
> * Remote listeners, which is supported in several clients apart from Java
> * Continuous Queries (the same)
> * Spark Stream
> * Other eventual 3rd party stream processors: Apache Flick, Storm, etc.

Impact as in perf impact? Potential redesign impact? Or are you thinking of 
another question?
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