Forgot to point out, here is where Sync logs the exception:

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:05 AM Galder Zamarreno <> wrote:

> Hey Radim,
> We've had some chats in the past where we discussed the behaviour of
> non-tx 2LC and partial updates. I've wrote a couple of tests [1] to see how
> things behave:
> For a repl read-write, entity cache, if the failure happens on the async
> FutureUpdate call, that's fine because the Tombstone has already been sent
> and the cache won't return anything.
> If the failure happens when the Tombstone is sent, we seem to have a
> problem because it results in stale data in the node that failed to apply
> the Tombstone. The FutureUpdate that comes after the Tombstone cannot apply
> because it doesn't find the Tombstone.
> Sync logs any errors but does not propagate them [2]. Is there any reason
> for not rethrowing the exception? I tried to rethrow it and the JDBC
> transaction rolls back, which is not too bad cos at least that way both
> nodes contain the last committed data.
> As a side note, the CorrectnessTestCase subclasses are not running by
> default, we should change that.
> Cheers,
> Galder
> [1]
> [2]
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