You're right, it would be wiser for the Sync to let the exception be 
propagated. I can't recall why I've caught the exception terminally.

About CorrectnessTestCase - this is a stress test, and as such we're not 
running it by default. TBH it's been a while since I've last started 
that... It also has some parameters that I used to tune manually 
(commenting certain parts), such as running evictAll which dramatically 
lowers the likelihood of other events to happen.


On 12/14/2018 10:08 AM, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
> Forgot to point out, here is where Sync logs the exception:
> On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 10:05 AM Galder Zamarreno < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hey Radim,
>     We've had some chats in the past where we discussed the behaviour
>     of non-tx 2LC and partial updates. I've wrote a couple of tests
>     [1] to see how things behave:
>     For a repl read-write, entity cache, if the failure happens on the
>     async FutureUpdate call, that's fine because the Tombstone has
>     already been sent and the cache won't return anything.
>     If the failure happens when the Tombstone is sent, we seem to have
>     a problem because it results in stale data in the node that failed
>     to apply the Tombstone. The FutureUpdate that comes after the
>     Tombstone cannot apply because it doesn't find the Tombstone.
>     Sync logs any errors but does not propagate them [2]. Is there any
>     reason for not rethrowing the exception? I tried to rethrow it and
>     the JDBC transaction rolls back, which is not too bad cos at least
>     that way both nodes contain the last committed data.
>     As a side note, the CorrectnessTestCase subclasses are not running
>     by default, we should change that.
>     Cheers,
>     Galder
>     [1]
>     [2]

Radim Vansa <>
JBoss Performance Team

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