I currently have a task that monitors for the number of docker containers 
running dropping.  For this type of alarm, I really don't need it to 
recover or even have state levels.  I just want to know if it occurred. 
 With the tick script below I get the alert indicating that the number has 
dropped by one, but I don't want the state to go back to OK, i.e. just want 
one alert.

Is there anyway to accomplish this with the alert node?



//This task will alert on changes in the number of running containers,
//if the number drops it could indicate that the container exited.
var data = stream
    |where(lambda: "deployment" == deployment)
    |eval(lambda: "n_containers")
    //|log() //Uncomment to debug

var min_value = data

var max_value = data

//Compute the delta between min and max, by joining two window outputs
//If negative change we lost a container
        .as('min_running', 'max_running')
    |eval(lambda: "min_running.value" - "max_running.value")
        .info(lambda: "change_delta" < 0)
        .infoReset(lambda: "change_delta" >= 0)
        .message('\'{{.TaskName}}\' --> \'{{ .Level }}\'
            Host \'{{ index .Tags "host" }}\'
            Number of running containers has changed by \'{{ index .Fields 
"change_delta" }}\'')

Remember to include the version number!
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