Any idea how to make this system work with the WinCVS client and a UNIX

On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, David Thornley wrote:

> Ben Leibig wrote:
> > 
> > Well, I've tried as hard as I can, but I can't convice our developers that
> > RCS locking is not necessary when using CVS.  They're all old school, and
> > they don't trust CVS's ability to merge, nor do they claim they need it.
> If they don't need it, then they're never trying to work on the same
> file
> at the same time, so they don't need locks.  But I digress....
> > THey do however want the whole remote repository ability, which means I'm
> > in a hard spot.  I need to figure out how to provide locking (every file
> > gets locked everytime it is checked out and unlocked everytime it is
> > commited.)  Using CVS, or to provide a remote repository system using RCS.
> Nope, not in CVS.  If these are hard requirements, you'll have to try
> to find something else that's going to work.
> The "cvs watch" facility could be used.  If you have "cvs watch on",
> then files are checked out into the developer's directory in read-only
> mode.  The developers will then use "cvs edit" to unlock the files.
> You may want to look into Noel Yap's "cvs edit -c" patch.
> This is, in my experience, the most restrictive form of locking that
> makes sense.  It is easy to subvert, but, then, so are more restrictive
> locks.
> > Actually the developers even want to have a copy of the checked out source
> > all running in one directory on one of the UNIX servers.  When they check
> > out they want the file's permissions in that directory to change so they
> > can access it untill the check it back in, then they want it to go to read
> > only for everyone.
> The proposed procedure will provide multiple copies, one for each
> developer, and each directory will have only the appropriate files
> read/write.  This isn't what the developers are asking for, but it's
> the best CVS is going to do.
> It also strikes me as a lousy way to work, since you're working in
> an environment where you can't control changes.  If a guy who's working
> on a header file goofs and goes to lunch, you can't compile in that
> directory until after his lunch.  In the CVS environment, you get
> only checked-in changes, and only when you ask for them.  Not quick
> hacks that don't quite work yet whenever.
>   I'm not sure how possable any of this is.  It seems
> > like what we really need is a client/server version of RCS.
> You need more than that, I'd think.  I really doubt that there is
> a system that'll do exactly what you've stated without a lot of
> customization.
> -- 
> David H. Thornley                          Software Engineer
> at CES International, Inc.:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or (612)-694-2556
> at home: (612)-623-0552 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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