On 12 Jan, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>  [ On Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 09:23:08 (-0500), Steven Hirsch wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: choice of extension languages for a heterogeneous client/server 
>version control system
>  >
> > I'll chime in against Tcl.  Absolutely wretched syntax, inconsistant and
> > confusing semantics.  It reminds me of nothing so much as a Unix
> > Bourne/Korn shell on steroids.
> > 
> > Why not Perl?
>  Well, perl *is* sh+awk+sed on major steroids, *and* it has a most ugly
>  syntax too....  Need I say more?  :-)

I certainly agree with this.

>  (I think it may also be a bit too big, complex, and clumsy to use as an
>  extension language in this case, though that's clearly debatable.)


>  Indeed if the latter argument is valid then Python is also an
>  inappropriate choice.
>  If scheme isn't viable (and I think it is) then I'd pick something
>  equally clean, such as a *slightly* enhanced "awk", or perhaps the
>  language implemented by "libexpr" as described in "Practical Reusable
>  UNIX Software" (B. Krishnamurthy, AT&T Bell Labs).

Please have a look at Ici.  It's fast, clean, small, elegant, and
powerful.  Its major lack is a GUI part (like Tk for Tcl).  This
shouldn't be an issue for the intended purpose here, I think.

Oh, I should add that it was designed to be embeddable as a scripting
and extension language, portable, and a sh+awk+sed replacement.  It's
very mature, and close to bug free.  (I guess we find and fix about 1
or 2 bugs a year.)

See it at:  http://www.zeta.org.au/~atrn/ici/

The license is very free - it's been put in the public domain.  It's
very C-like in syntax but with powerful data types built in, auto
memory allocation and freeing, powerful fast regexps.  It's used heaps
in-house where I work.  People who've used it tend to quickly fall in
love with it.

Runs on Unix, Windows, and Mac too, I believe.


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