[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/03/2000 12:16:28 AM
>Whenever I implement a new data structure, the first routines I write
>are create/initialize and destroy routines.  The first allocates whatever
>memory is needed, and initializes the structure completely and explicitly.
>The last one deallocates all memory associated with it.  If I add a new
>field, I modify these routines accordingly.  Usually it takes only a few
>minutes, and the code is always portable (which is not the case when
>a block is filled with zero bits).

This is the perfect solution.  Unfortunately, such functions don't already exist
for CVS structures.  IMHO, this should be put in the TODO list.  I would suggest
that such functions don't allocate/deallocate memory for the structure itself so
that they may be used for structures allocated on the stack.


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