Keep in mind that on some systems, the chgrp won't work unless you're the owner
of the file.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/09/2000 03:40:41 PM

cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  Re: cvs permissions

Timothy Falconer wrote:

> I want the following repository structure, with associated access:
> /home/cvs/www/common (everyone)
> /home/cvs/www/tools (developers)
> /home/cvs/www/clientA (developers & clientA)
> /home/cvs/www/clientB (developers & clientB)
> /home/cvs/www/clientC (developers & clientC)

cd /home/cvs/www/clientA ; find . -type d -exec chgrp clientA {} \; -exec chmod
g+s {} \;
cd /home/cvs/www/clientB ; find . -type d -exec chgrp clientB {} \; -exec chmod
g+s {} \;
cd /home/cvs/www/clientC ; find . -type d -exec chgrp clientC {} \; -exec chmod
g+s {} \;

I find this especially important for cvsweb's CVSROOT/Emptydir for the annotate

Larry Jones wrote:
> BSD Unix filesystems always create files with the group set to the group
> of the containing directory, which is sufficient to avoid your problem.

Linux, AFAIK, uses the user/group of the guy creating the file/dir unless
with ug+s .

> You don't say what platform you're using,

He said Linux.

but it must not be BSD-based.
> :-)  Check your system documentation

man chmod
Disciples of RMS will type
info chmod

dik        _,--"
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      //_| | \        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          / | |_\\
     (_____|_|__= Guilford CT +1.203.458.0389  =__|_|_____)
     _\_____=___     ___=_____/_
Early Net Poetry:
Wustl, Wustl, ERR RIP MIT BOOT, BIND Wustl

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