Dave Sherohman wrote:

>Check out http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs/doc/cvs_2.html#SEC29 for 
>on pserver security options.  You can set up a CVS-specific passwd 
>in the CVSROOT directory and, e.g., use it to map all users to a 
>'cvsuser' account, which doesn't need the ability to log in.  cvsuser 
>then own all of the files, but commit information will still be 
>with the CVS username rather than the unix username.  You might want 
>even use this technique with users who have real accounts on the 
>as it will (a) keep everything owned by a single dummy user, which 
>to be what you want, and (b) allow your developers to have a CVS 
>that's different from their login password (which is a Good Thing, 
>that pserver logins are done in cleartext).

In this case, I would need to manually add every user to the 
CVSROOT/passwd file.  I assume that it would look something like this:


All our developers currently have root access so password security is 
not relevant.  I am more concerned with repository security.  I don't 
want our users to be able to access the repository directly (i.e. I 
want it under a different user and group so that they can't even see 
it without going through the server.

I guess this will work.  I just wish that CVS had an option so that I 
could just set it up and leave it.  This solution will require me to 
continually edit the CVSROOT/passwd file to add and remove users.  
Ideally, I would like to have a --runas option in CVS where it would 
authenticate against the /etc/passwd file but then just check out as 
cvsuser.  That way I could make the repository owned by cvsuser and 
the programmers wouldn't be able to access it except through the CVS 
server and I wouldn't have to ever edit the CVSROOT/passwd file.  The 
administrator would only have to add a Unix user -- he wouldn't have 
to add a CVS user as well.  Possible food for thought for an 

Stephen Rasku                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer        Web:    http://www.tgivan.com/
TGI Technologies                        http://www.pop-star.net/

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