> > >CVS [pserver] with its own dedicated socket/port
> > >    [port forwarded] run across SSH
> > >
> > >    Transport secured, but the CVS socket/port
> > >    is open to the world on the remote machine,
> > >    and hence is insecure there, and on the
> > >    remote machine's network.
> > 
> > If the data stream is encrypted, why do you call this insecure?  How secure is
> > secure?
> The CVS socket on the remote machine will happily encrypt an attacker's
> connection just as it will the encrypt a legitimate user's connection.
> I.e. in that configuration it's still only as secure as the remote
> machine, which if it's multi-user then it's not secure at all.

Amplifying:  Such a configuration is not just insecure 
if you are multiuser.   Most PCs are not multiuser,
but if a cracker can cause a program to run on a PC
(perhaps because of a bug in file sharing or the like)
then he can access the forwarded port even on a single
user PC.

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