>>>>> "Larry" == Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > I'm considering making some enhancements to the CVSROOT/passwd
    > file format and I'd like people's opinions:

    > First, I'd like to interpret "*" in the password field as "the
    > system password for this user".  That would allow people who are
    > not concerned with network security to use system passwords
    > along with user mapping.  For example, one could have a
    > CVSROOT/passwd that looked like:

    >   john:*:cvsadmin lisa:*:cvsadmin bill:*:cvsuser anne:*:cvsuser

Been there done that.  This works nice.  The current CVS doesn't
permit mapping when you want to use a system password.

    > instead of having to give everyone separate CVS passwords or
    > copy their system passwords into CVSROOT/passwd and then having
    > to worry about keeping them in sync.

    > Second, I'd like to interpret "*" in the username field as "any
    > system user".  That would allow even more simplification -- for
    > example:

    >   *:*:cvsuser

I'm a little hesitant on this one.  Often repository owners want to
limit access.

    > could be used to allow any system user to run CVS; or

    >   *:asdfghjklqwer:nobody

    > could be used to allow anyone who knows the password to run CVS.

    > An interesting side-effect of these changes is that the
    > SystemAuth config option would no longer be needed:

    >   *:*

    > is equivalent to SystemAuth=yes, and

    >   *:x

    > (or any other impossible password) is equivalent to
    > SystemAuth=no.  This has the added advantage of keeping all the
    > password-related stuff in one place.

Hummm.  This is an interesting side effect.  I need to think a bit
more on this one.

My $0.02,

Mike Sutton                      | public class
SAIC                             | software_failure : management_failure
Beavercreek, OH                  | 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 | These are MY opinions, not SAIC's

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