>>>>> "LJ" == Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LJ> I'm considering making some enhancements to the CVSROOT/passwd file
LJ> format and I'd like people's opinions:

LJ> First, I'd like to interpret "*" in the password field as "the system
LJ> password for this user".  That would allow people who are not concerned

LJ> Second, I'd like to interpret "*" in the username field as "any system
LJ> user".  That would allow even more simplification -- for example:

a) this surely allows for rather twisted configrations like "authenticate
cvs user against system database and switch to yet another system user, not
the user that was authenticated against".  To me this is not as clean as
using system accounts as CVS accounts for filesystem level access control
or using CVS accounts with single system account for CVS-level fine-grained 
access control.  This is where cvs-nserver steps in, allowing everything
beforementioned and also PAM if you need this and have this. 


--alexm, cvs-nserver PR droid

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