How do you deal with getting atomic backups?  For example, what if someone were
commiting at the same time rsync or the backup is occurring?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/24/2000 06:58:03 PM

cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  Re: CVS Source Repository

> It seems to me that it should be possible to write something very
> similar to CVSup using only the offical CVS client/server protocol,
> which would allow anyone to backup any CVS repository they had access to
> -- anyone looking for a project?

The protocol of choice for this seems to be anonymous rsync.  At
least, that is what we are using at for
similar purposes (goal: guard against *both* physical and
organizational failures - tape backups and the like can only help with
the former).

Adding it to the CVS protocol might be cool (for a variety of
reasons), but should not get in the way of people putting up
anonymous rsync (or CVSup) now.

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