Russ Allbery wrote :
|| David Thornley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|| > Either way, any technique that assumes that all main trunk development
|| > is on rev numbers 1.* is useless to me, and probably to quite a few
|| > people.
|| And it's quite possible to get into that state without any misuse of CVS
|| at any point.  It's worth remembering that a lot of us are using CVS
|| repositories formed from imported RCS files, and using different rev
|| numbers with RCS is extremely common.

The sccs2rcs script in contrib retains such version numbers when it
converts - many of my cvs managed files have version numbers greater
than 1 because of this.

With sccs, if you use -r9 (or -r99 or -r9999, whatever number of
nines is needed to guarantee that it is bigger than the version
number of any file being managed) it is the same as if you had used
the current version for each file.  I recall hearing that this
doesn't work for rcs, but fixing whatever problem there is with this
would make -r9 a workable approach.  But making .trunk work is a
better approach.

Sleep should not be used as a substitute    | John Macdonald
for high levels of caffeine  -- FPhlyer     |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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