New to CVS -- Help!
For a production bug fix:
- After creating a branchtag via
  "cvs rtag -b -r prodtag branchtag module"
  then, modifying files/unit and system testing
- How do I merge the modified files back into the mainline/trunk of the CVS

Thanks in advance for your reply(ies).
Paul Adams

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 10:59 AM
To: Brian Collins
Subject: Re: Repeatedly merging from branch to trunk

Brian Collins writes:
> So, back to the branch, add another line (Line 3), commit it and merge it
> to the trunk as above.  This gives conflicts, thus:
>   Line 1
>   <<<<<<< f1
>   Line 2 on the trunk
>   =======
>   Line 2 on the branch
>   Line 3
>   >>>>>>>
> when all I expected was the automatic merging of "Line 3"!

Since the context is different, CVS isn't sure that it's actually put
the new line in the right place, so it calls it a conflict and makes you
verify that it is correct.  *You* know that "Line 2 on the trunk" and
"Line 2 on the branch" are equivalent, but CVS doesn't.

-Larry Jones

Ever notice how tense grown-ups get when they're recreating? -- Calvin

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