Larry Jones wrote:
> Brian Collins writes:
> >
> > So, back to the branch, add another line (Line 3), commit it and merge it back
> > to the trunk as above.  This gives conflicts, thus:
> >   Line 1
> >   <<<<<<< f1
> >   Line 2 on the trunk
> >   =======
> >   Line 2 on the branch
> >   Line 3
> >   >>>>>>>
> >
> > when all I expected was the automatic merging of "Line 3"!
> Since the context is different, CVS isn't sure that it's actually put
> the new line in the right place, so it calls it a conflict and makes you
> verify that it is correct.  *You* know that "Line 2 on the trunk" and
> "Line 2 on the branch" are equivalent, but CVS doesn't.

OK, so, if on the branch the change had looked like this:
  Line 2 on the branch
  Line 2A

and on the trunk it had looked like this:
  Line 2 on the trunk
  Line 2A

then adding "Line 3" on the branch after "Line 2A" would *not* have resulted in
a conflict?

Regards,  Brian

> -Larry Jones
> Ever notice how tense grown-ups get when they're recreating? -- Calvin


"Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects." (Will Rogers) 

Brian Collins
Triple G Asia Pacific

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