What does it matter?

more than likely cvs is just forking and execing...

On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 06:00:54PM -0400, Laird Nelson wrote:
> Sounds like the latest Harry Potter book.
> Through extensive hammering and beating on cvs, I've established the
> following Very Likely Thing:
> * The ID of the cvs process that runs commitinfo and verifymsg scripts
> is NOT the same as the id of the CVS process that runs the loginfo
> scripts.
> * Specifically, the ID of the cvs process that runs the loginfo scripts
> is always 3 greater than the id of the cvs process that runs the others.
> Is this coincidence?  Fact?  I can't get that "3" number to change.
> Comments?
> Cheers,
> Laird

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