Laird Nelson writes:
> * The ID of the cvs process that runs commitinfo and verifymsg scripts
> is NOT the same as the id of the CVS process that runs the loginfo
> scripts.
> * Specifically, the ID of the cvs process that runs the loginfo scripts
> is always 3 greater than the id of the cvs process that runs the others.

I've finally tracked down what's really going on here.  Because the
loginfo script gets data piped to its stdin, there's an extra shell
process involved due to popen.  Thus, its *grandparent* is the cvs
process that runs commitinfo and verifymsg.  The pids differ by three
because it's the third process started: the commitinfo process, the
verifymsg process, and the popen process.  I wouldn't count on any of
this, though, it's all really coincidence rather than designed features.

If I were you, I'd make cvs a script that sets an environment variable
to a reasonable temporary directory and then use the value of that
environment variable in your scripts.

-Larry Jones

My upbringing is filled with inconsistent messages. -- Calvin

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