What difference does it make?  If you set your TZ up correctly on the
machine that is using cvs you will see the correct times...

On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:50:57PM -0700, Matthew Berney wrote:
> I find it hard to believe that a tool that works across multiple timezones
> does not support a way to localize the timestamps?  Why not use the TZ
> environment variable?  This is pretty standard isn't it?  It would be nice
> to have the timestamps in the repository actually match our local time.
> Matt
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 12:21 PM
> Subject: Re: CVS timestamps
> Noel K writes:
> > 
> > I am having the problem with the CVS timestamps being off by several 
> > hours. I did a search and read through many of the threads on this 
> > subject, so I know that CVS stores the time in GMT (or UTC - by the 
> > way, is UTC the European equivalent term for GMT?)
> Not quite; UTC is the modern, official International Standard time that
> roughly corresponds to the old de-facto standard that was GMT.  Now, GMT
> is just a civil time used in the UK (like Eastern Time or Pacific Time
> in the USA) that has been redefined as UTC.  For more details, see
> http://www.rog.nmm.ac.uk/leaflets/time/time.html.
> > What I need to know is how to fix this so that the timestamp in the 
> > CVS repository is the local time, not the GMT. 
> It's not broken, so there's nothing to fix.  Keeping track of times in
> UTC is the only practical way for CVS to support developers in different
> time zones.
> -Larry Jones
> I think grown-ups just ACT like they know what they're doing. -- Calvin
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